I discovered Keukenhof accidentally by searching “tulips” or “flowers” on Google Images. From the first moment I saw that the place was real, I put it on my travel list, in top 3.
The chance to visit appeared in 2015, when the company I worked for back then organized an European Meetup in Berlin that was ending on 27th April. I bought return fly tickets from Romania to Berlin, and return fly tickets (same day) from Berlin to Amsterdam (it’s always cheaper buying return tickets than one-way).
I got a $40 burn because I didn’t know Berlin had two large airports (Tegel and Schönefeld – used mainly for low cost flights) and when I bought the Amsterdam tickets I left only 2 hours between the landing from Amsterdam to the flight leaving to Romania. Asked for some helped on the tripadvisor forum and decided that I need to change the tickets, and book an extra night at a hotel in Berlin, as it is way cheaper than staying in Amsterdam.
To understand how important Keukenhof is to Amsterdam, here are some photos taken with my phone in Schiphol Airport when the garden is open to visitors:
If you ever plan on visiting Keukenhof (and I totally recommend that you do, it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life), these are my top advises that I can give:
– visit Keukenhof’s official website
– buy tickets there, you have options to buy only the entrance ticket or a combi ticket that includes the bus fare from Schiphol Airport/Leiden/Haarlem or from Amsterdam.
– if you want, you can book a park guide and a parking ticket in advance, also from the website
– check when the park it’s opened. That’s write, the most beautiful garden in the world is opened only 2 months every year
– try to visit from mid-April to 7th May, that when most of the flowers are in bloom
– usually in the last week of April the tulip fields that surround Keukenhof garden are harvested, so you may want to consider that too, if you want to see tulips as far as your “elf’s eyes see”
– find out when the King’s Day is celebrated, you might want to be in Amsterdam when that happens – in 2017 is on 27th April.
– take your time, the park takes at least 4-5 hours too see, if you go slowly
– i guess it’s nice to rent a bike and try one of the paths that are marked at the bike rental places (in front of the main entrance to the park); one of the paths takes you to the Ocean Beach nearby
– or you can rent a boat, if you feel strong
– if you got a trolley like I did you can leave it a secure box at Schiphol airport, or in Amsterdam, or even at the Keukenhof entrance (hoping that there is still room)
– if you don’t want to spend money at the restaurants opened in the garden, try bringing some snacks with you, you’ll need it (and water). I got some protein bars from a colleague (thanks Aaron, if you’ll ever read this)
– you’ll want to buy bulbs, but.. they are expensive and you’ll receive them by mail in October. You can’t buy bulbs and leave with them when you visit Keukenhof
– if you bring your camera, also get some batteries (Olympus cameras eat batteries like a kid eats M&M when his mom’s not watching), and additional SD cards
I’m going to visit Keukenhof again this year, and this article is more of a test for me as I’ll post some photos (actually, a lot, I love them), that I selected from the total of ~500 that I did that day. The only edits that I made to the pictures you’ll see below are contrast, brightness & for some a slight rotation.
What’s the test you might ask. Well, just to check if my photography technique changed in two years after watching a lot of tutorials and learning a lot on this subject. Also, I got a new camera 😀
Sorry for the watermark, I hope it’s discrete enough. If you want to use any of these photos, please write in the comments or use the contact form and I’ll send you the full resolution file.
Also, please feel free to ask any question.

Netherland Tulip Fields from Keukenhow Viewspot

Wooden Tulips

Wedding Bed

How you know someone has been at King’s Day parties

Again, the wedding bed.

The Black Parrot Tulit

No one tears flowers. Not even birds!

Again, the rare, Black Parrot Tulip. Considered to be the most beautiful tulip.

Yep, you can do this too in Keukenhof. You know, Amsterdam is close, if you know what I mean.
In 2015, Keukenhof Theme was Van Gogh. Here are some photos from an exhibition that showed his room:


Nobody wants to leave. – Keukenhof Main Entrance
Here are some website where you can read more about Keukenhof:
keukenhof official website
keukenhof on tripadvisor
Hello Bogdan,
I love your website. I had been to Keukenhof the same year as you. It was a phenomenol experience. Incomparable to most. I hope I get to visit it again soon.
Also I wanted to borrow your picture of Van Gogh . I am from India and I am writing something related to Keukenhof and I could not click a very good picture of the flowery Van Gogh.
Hi Rejani,
Yes, you can use the picture if you want. If there’s any place to link back to this article or credit this website in any way, I would really appreciate it.